Initial Rank
30 days in clan
75 Points
150 Points + 60 days in clan
250 Points
350 Points
500 Points
1,000 Points
2,000 Points
5,000 Points
Hallowed RS uses a custom and unique ranking system to determine clan
ranks both in Discord and in-game. After using a 'time in clan' based
system for years, we thought the highest ranks didn't accurately reflect
the most active members.
So to change that, we created
Piety Ranks
Piety ranks consist of piety points which can be earned through various
forms of clan participation like helping other clannies or participating
in events. The different ranks are as follows:
Every 30 days as a ranked clan member.
10 points
Points vary per event at the discretion of staff and/or event coordinator.
Once per 30 days, you can recognize a fellow clanmate for anything that improved your time in the clan.
10 points
Once per 30 days, you can gain points by being recognized by a fellow clanmate for doing something that improved their time in the clan.
10 points
Referring members to the clan. New members must put your rsn in their clan application.
10 points
Achieving recognition for something from the staff team. This includes Achiever of the Week (AOTW) and Clannie of the Week (COTW).
25 points
Points earned through donations are capped at 50 points, once every 30 days.
1 point per 1m
Hosting events gains points based on the scale of the event with large scale events being hosted at the discretion of staff members.
small: 25 | medium: 50
Earning an achievement role on discord will garner you different amounts of points. See #ranks-and-roles channel for more info!
Getting accepted as a Hallowed official PVM or Minigame teacher comes with perks! Earn points for having the role and each teaching session.
role: 15 | ea. session: 5